Janus Remix
Aluminum, atomized and the ultimate two faced god
Queen Bee
She is the queen and I was playing with the color and texture of alabaster
Here Comes the Sun
Honey Alabaster, one of my earliest stone pieces
Colors got her looking like she knows it all
Zilla Medina
The striations swing around her buttocks highlighting the beauty of the rock
Trent Renzor helped build my hot rod
Creation Lullabye
With her headdress I discovered that rough grit will turn the rock a different color
Digital Wave
Part of the solstice series, obsessed with the sun and moon, and the start. This rock is meant to be outside
Rough at the bottom, rough at the top, smooth in the middle, like life
Calculus of Kharma
Notice the texture in the hair, those deep cuts take guts
Nectar DeLa Bass
Same stone, different texture, different color
Little Head
Rudimentary carving from a drop, no stone wasted
Mesmorizing the Ultra
Translucent Orange Alabaster
All Catty Whompus
Sets of three, tall cats, inspired by the cats who live at my studio
Cause I’m Free
Translucent Alabaster, perfectly plumb on a turning pin